
--易經 風澤中孚

A crane is singing in the shade, with her chicks in chorus.
And I have an awesome Jue, which we can relish with.
--Classic of Changes

A jue (Chinese: 爵) is a bronze tripod goblet or beaker used to serve or warm wine.
It was used for ceremonial purposes by the Chinese of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties.


Welcome to Taipu Hut!
Let's appreciate the profound beauty of Chinese arts and antiques together!


清 楊璇作壽山芙蓉石巧雕須跋陀阿羅漢 Shoushan Stone Carved Arhat Subhadda by Yang Xuan

清 楊璇作壽山芙蓉石巧雕須跋陀阿羅漢 Shoushan Stone Carved Arhat Subhadda by Yang Xuan

楊璇,或作楊璣,明末清初人,別名玉璇 、玉旋 、 玉璿、玉善,籍貫福建漳浦,客居福州。善刻印紐,雕人物走獸時稱絕技,以一分許三分薄刻玲瓏凖提菩薩得名。創審曲面勢雕法, 即依石色分佈走向作巧雕,又稱爲取巧,為壽山石雕鼻祖。



清 官窯琺瑯彩黃地螭龍花草紋花囊瓶 Enamel Perfume Bag Shaped Bottle of Official Kiln with Dragons & Floral Motifs

清 官窯琺瑯彩黃地螭龍花草紋花囊瓶 Enamel Perfume Bag Shaped Bottle of Official Kiln with Dragons & Floral Motifs

--《瓶史》明 袁宏道